Mobius uses creative movement to help children explore scientific and math concepts. Each class always includes some exercises that have no right or wrong answer. For example, children may be asked to move as a solid, then a liquid, then a gas across the room.
Mobius classes also include content that does have a right or wrong answer and creates the mental/visual/kinesthetic models for students to understand and retain information. For example, students moving together to show the relative density of molecules in a solid, liquid and gas states or demonstrating how hot and cold air act.
Mobius classes also include content that does have a right or wrong answer and creates the mental/visual/kinesthetic models for students to understand and retain information. For example, students moving together to show the relative density of molecules in a solid, liquid and gas states or demonstrating how hot and cold air act.
Mobius lessons give children opportunities to work together, to lead and to follow others. It gets kids moving, which is significant given childhood obesity rates and the elimination of PE and recess from many school days. Mobius is a holistic approach to teaching a subject that is often reduced to the most traditionalf teaching methods and therefore opens science to a more diverse group of learning types.
Creative movement as a teaching method is almost universal when it comes to the very young – think of finger rhymes. However creative movement as a more structured form of instruction for older children has been used and studied since the 1970’s. Mobius builds upon these traditions of connecting body and brain with a specific science focus.